So, one of the problems with being addicted to buying clothes is finding the space in which to put it all! This is one of my wardrobes, the one that holds my more precious/long vintage items. It's a rainbow in there! Clothes ages ranging from Victorian - '90s, no modern things in this one... It's quite crowded still despite a recent clear out, which can only mean that more things should go! A big reason for getting rid of lots of things is wanting to move out of home quickly, I just don't think I'd have room to store everything in a smaller place. Along with this reason I have also become very interested in having a smaller and more selective wardrobe in order to save myself time in selecting an outfit and therefore in giving myself more space to think about and do other things. I spend a lot of time at the moment simply tidying things away or organising things and don't give myself enough time to make which is what I want to do most of all!

A corner of my room by the sink, laden with vintage treasures, but sometimes I can't even fight my way to the sink!
One of the ways I'm hoping to reduce my wardrobe size is by starting a regular showcase of my favourite things. By treasuring the things I love the most I will be able to let go of things that are not so important to me. Lots of things I hold onto because I've formed a sentimental attachment to them which is false. I often think 'But no one will treasure them like I do!' but of course it is a wonderful thing to love something and then pass it on to be loved by someone else.
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