Monday, 11 January 2016

Etsy Outfit Construction

Swimming costume, wedges

Coat, platforms

Cheer skirt, platforms, underwear set
One of my favourite things to do is to have a really good delve on Etsy - favouriting things left, right and centre and constructing cute outfits in my head. There's such a huge range of stuff there, it's like one big never-ending vintage wardrobe but also I've been getting more into the modern stuff, especially lingerie, there are some really well-designed, fun and affordable shops out there. So this is where these outfit illustrations have come from. In a magical, silly world I would have a never-ending wardrobe full of all this but now I feel I can settle for these neat book-sized representations which don't take up much space in my life. I'm going to aim to do one of these illustrations a day because they're quick and fun and satisfying. It also helps me visualize my inspirations more clearly. I find I use Etsy for inspiration mainly, it's great to be able to easily find high-quality photos of intricate details, unusual materials and rare designs in one place.

I'd love to get into creating outfits on certain themes or for people looking for inspiration/with a specific budget so please get in contact if you're interested! X